- Save a piece of your paycheck for a weekly manicure. Having your nails properly taken care of by the pros will make you less likely to gnaw. There are places that charge like $6-$10 for a manicure. If time or cash prevents you from a weekly grooming by the pros, then opt to DIY on a weekly basis and reward yourself at the end of the month with a professional manicure.
- Use costly nail polishes like Chanel so each time you attempt to take a bite, you can kick yourself for biting off $$$ and letting it go down the drain!
- Treat your cuticles right. I have been using Sally Hansen's Vitamin
E Moisturizing Nail & Cuticle Oil. I have to say, it has really tamed my cuticles! They are usually dry and I end up peeling them and breaking my skin in the process. My niece once asked me, why did I have so many cuts on my fingers!!
- If you're looking for speedy results, you should use something to strengthen and lengthen the nail. My favorite is Sally Hansen's Nailgrowth Miracle Salon Strength Treatment which guarantees 30% longer nails in 5 days!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Beauty Solution to Nail Biting
Monday, July 5, 2010
Women's Health Daily Dose: Get Flawless Skin
Beauty isn't measured only by the fullness of your lips or the swing of your hair. A recent study found that smooth, even skin tone is also a key marker of attractiveness. It make's sense: Flawless skin represents youth and health, while brown patched, ruddiness, and other discolorations can have a pretty nasty aging effect.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Red, White, & Blue Weekend
Cue up the BBQ and the sexy denim cut-offs—the Fourth of July is upon us and we’ve got some fun beauty ideas to help you create some serious fireworks everywhere you go. Easy fourth of July makeup and hairstyles can be created in mere minutes, or try them on in our virtual styling studio.
In the mood to break out the hot red lips? Create a Fourth of July daytime makeup look by opting for a sheer, dewy red lipstick (it's fresh and youthful looking) rather than a matte red, which is more appropriate for evening. As a general rule of thumb, you want to keep your eye makeup on the light side when rocking a bright red pout. A bit of eyeliner and mascara is all you need. Pack some smoky eye shadows and an all-purpose eye makeup brush in your bag if you want to change up your look after dusk, just in time for a sultry fireworks show.
Bouts of eyelash envy are bound to strike during Fourth of July pool parties—usually in the company of women who were born with lush fringe and like to flaunt it by being the first to dive into the water without makeup. Fake equally luscious lashes with a semi-permanent lash tint made to linger for 24 hours or more. One application should withstand swimming, showering and partying better than most mascaras. It’s a must for occasions when you’re spending the night at his place. Try these: Tarte 4 Day Stay Lash Stain, Jemma Kidd Lasting Tint Semi-Permanent Waterproof Lash Color.
Red, white and blue makeup is fun to rock on the 4th of July, but other bright makeup colors have a place in your makeup bag too (don’t forget to pack them in your purse for touch-ups). Go for bold in seaweed green eyeliner or indigo mascara instead of the usual brown and black. A hot pink eye shadow can make your eyes look bright and beautiful (caution: too much on your lower lashline and you could wind up looking like you have seasonal allergies). Blending bright colors on the back of your hand before applying them to your lids will prevent them from overpowering your face. Try these: Mac Eye Shadow in Passionate, Yves Saint Laurent Eyeliner MoirĂ© in Emerald Reflection, Urban Decay Big Fatty Colored Mascara in Indigo.
To create a sexy Fourth of July mood with your hair, create low, luscious pig tails. Gather the hair on each side of your head, creating an even part down the back (use a fine tooth comb). Take a large barrel curling iron to 2-inch wide sections of hair to create bounce and fullness. Tie the pigtails with red, white or blue ribbon for a festive effect. --Stephanie Simons
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